Where can you see a 'Moaning Minnie?'
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Memorial Park was dedicated in 1950 by Rock Island Arsenal employees to recognize their co-workers who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Second World War.
Over 30 ordnance systems from the collection of the Rock Island Arsenal Museum are exhibited, with emphasis on artillery designed, developed, and/or produced at Rock Island Arsenal. The featured ordnance represents tracked vehicles, guns, howitzers, rocket launchers, rockets, and missiles used from the Second World War through current military conflicts.
Two highly recognized pieces represent opposing forces during the Second World War. The M4A3 Sherman tank was with the 4th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge. A German Nebelwerfer, nicknamed the “Moaning Minnie” by American troops, also is on display.
Two current arsenal products are represented at the front of the display. To the east, or left, is a British L119 leased to the U.S. Army in 1985 for evaluation. The system was revised by the arsenal and adopted as the M119 lightweight towed howitzer. The M119 and M119A1 howitzers were produced at the arsenal from 1991 to 1997 and starting again in 2008.
To the west, or right, is the M198 155mm, lightweight towed howitzer. This system was one of the arsenal’s most successful products. Its development began in 1968, and most of its design and development was conducted by Rock Island Arsenal’s Rodman Laboratory. From 1979 to 1987, the M198 was manufactured in cooperation with a private contractor.
On July 11, 2002, Rock Island Arsenal's Commanding Officer Col. Randall D. Corbin dedicated the site for a monument to civilian service to the arsenal. On July 24, 2003, the monument, located in the center of the display, was unveiled at Rock Island Arsenal Family Day.