Quality of life is improved by a greater appreciation and understanding of the importance of the Mississippi River and its place within the Quad Cities region.

RiverWay Art
One of two dozen art installations along RiverWay recreation trails.
From Cordova to Rock Island and Princeton to Buffalo, RiverWay art along the bi-state riverfront trails adds to the attraction of the riverfront while providing a sense of place for residents and visitors alike.
Channel Cat Water Taxi
The bi-state Channel Cat Water Taxi has proved popular for residents and visitors.
Now operated by the MetroLINK, the Channel Cat Water Taxi service initially was funded and operated by River Action to better link the bi-state Mississippi River Trails and QC riverfront and provide residents and visitors an easy way to enjoy the great Mississippi River.
Explore The River Series
The annual "Explore The River Series" provides residents with opportunities to learn more about the Mississippi River, its history, its challenges and its ecology.
The programs offers a wide range of "Channel Cat Talks" and "Riverine Walks" during the summer months with experts providing insights for residents of all ages.
RiverWay Wayfinding & Design Principles
One of a dozen information kiosks installed along the Mississippi River Trail.
In 1996, the Quad Cities came together to adopt the Mississippi River Design Principles. These principles outlined a unified vision for the river in the QC area, focusing on four main points: Respect for the River, River Access, River Corridor Design, and River Interpretation. The goal of the planning and its resulting document was to ensure and protect the sensitive balance between the region's economic engine and its biggest ecological resource.
Wayfinding signage and outlook structures enhance the public experience
Golf Cart Tours
To provide senior citizens with access to our Quad Cities riverfront, golf cart tours are held each fall.
The tours highlight new developments and extensions of the popular riverfront recreation trails and give seniors a close-up view of the Mississippi River.
Centennial Bridge Lighting
People listening to a concert at LeClaire Park, Davenport, enjoy a spectacular view of the lighted Centennial Bridge.
One of the early riverfront improvements spearheaded by River Action was raising money to install lights on the Centennial Bridge between Rock Island and Davenport. The view of the lighted bridge at dusk has become a signature image of the Quad Cities metro area.
Centennial Bridge at dusk.