RiverWay Tour Informational Links
Take to the trails, tour the signs or explore the river by clicking on the links below for more information on RiverWay art, historical significance of river landmarks, wildlife and other information about Mississippi River and riverfront.
- How tall is the Arsenal Clock Tower?
- Who designed the double-decked Government Bridge?
- How much did it cost to construct the Dillon Fountain in 1918?
- What Davenport musical legend's roots began in LeClaire Park?
- What are the only two professional ballparks older than Woodman Park?
- How did Centennial Bridge get its name?
- What U.S. president participated in 1854's Grand Excursion?
- Which flood prompted Rock Island to build its levee?
- How were logs floated down the Mississippi to local lumber mills?
- Sylvan Natural Area is a demonstration project for which River Action program?
- In what year did John Deere move his plow factory to Moline?
- How long is the Mississippi River Trail?
- What started "The Great Fire of 1901?"
- What is the oldest residence in the Quad Cities?
- How did Stubbs Eddy get its name?
- Which U.S. president was memorialized at Davenport's Camp McClellan?
- What tamed the Rock Island Rapids?
- Which span of the Memorial Bridge was completed first?
- What was the city of Bettendorf called before it was renamed Bettendorf?
- Who developed this area in the 1830's?
- How did Credit Island get its name?
- How long is the Crescent Bridge?
- What toy factory used to be in this area?
- For whom is Marquis Harbor named ?
- When was the John Deere Harvester Works built?
- In what year was the Brettun & Black Store built?
- How many locks and dams are on the Mississippi River?
- In what year was Rapids City incorporated?
- How did Port Byron get its name?
- What has long been the community center of Cordova?
- What plants can be found at Nahant Marsh?
- What mammals live at Nahant Marsh?
- What reptiles and amphibians can be found at Nahant Marsh?
- What birds can be found at Nahant Marsh?
- How many bald eagles can you see?
- Which U.S. president defended the railroad when the original bridge here was hit by a steamboat?
- Which famed aviator stayed at Quarters One?
- Where can you find a 100-year-old horse?
- What is a "Moaning Minnie?"
- When did the new Figge Art Museum in Davenport open?
- What is the Alcoa Eaglecam?